diumenge, 13 de maig del 2012
My English COMPETENCE in 2012
My English progress from 2010-2012
dissabte, 12 de maig del 2012
Why I don't want to be famous
The fashion chains that make British shoppers pay 60% more than in Europe
High street goes bust! Plus size lingerie range featuring size 46K bras, premieres at Debenhams
Scandal-hit music teacher, 49, splits up with his 16 pupil
Sain't George's Day!
divendres, 11 de maig del 2012
Translations of all!!
dilluns, 7 de maig del 2012
diumenge, 6 de maig del 2012
Nails trend
When I paint my nails with this colors, I choose the color depending the things I will do the next two days, because If I have to do a exams probably I will bit my nails and the color will be ugly, but If I have a relax week, I will paint my nails combinated with my outfits.
My tattoo!
Today, 4 of May I went to figueres for get my tatto at Artsteel. This started two months ago, when I stared to think that I want a tatto with something important for me, and I want to painted at my skin. The site was chosen at the first time, and is by the side of the heart, on the ribs because here it's a place discret and you can only see if I want that you see it. But this place has a problem, is one of the places where it hurts more has a tatto.
After, I has to decide what to put on, because I knowed that it will be a thing relacionated with my father (who dies when I was 2 months) but I didn't know how I can remember he with a tatto. One day, I remember that when I was little, and I came to my mum and asked her where is daddy, she always answered me that look at the sky and he is the shiniest star. This is the reason of my tatto, because I put on my skin "L'estrella més brillant". One of my others problems was put this in catalan or in english, and finally I put it in catalan because it's the language that I talk at home, and it was more logical to put it in catalan than in english.
When I was at the tatto center, I was very nervous because I didn't know if I would do much damage, but when the man started I only felt a little twinge but not hurt, only noticed it.
Three days ago that I have my tatto, and I am very happy because it is healing very well and makes me no bad.
divendres, 27 d’abril del 2012
Prenup arrangements are a good solution to divorce conflicts?
dilluns, 19 de març del 2012
Letter to Barack Obama
Dear Mr President Obama
I wanted to write you this letter to give my opinion on the video KONY 2012 that has been published online this month.
This video has caused a great bend to the Internet millions of people have seen the video and have shared. But what if this video was just an attempt to distract people from the big crisis that is facing the world? The first time I saw the video I cried, I was very excited to think that there are people in the world that who cares for those who don’t see, but then my classmates began to speculate about the cause of this video.
It could be that the video had more than one goal, apart to raise awareness of the world from what happens in Uganda, also wants to distract people from their own problems.
In conclusion, the problem of the tyrant who collects children is there, and thanks to this video we could know it and we can do something. I hope the tyrant Kony disappear, and this video isn’t only to distract.
Yours sincerely,
Cristina Malirach Reitg
diumenge, 18 de març del 2012
Human rights
0. 0-Quiz: do you know your rights?
I don’t know what is my score, because when I finished the quiz I only see this: Thank you for playing this quiz! :S
1. 1- What are human rights?
Inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being.
2. 2-Why were they created?
Human rights were created to ensure safety for all people in the world by simply being human.
3.How many human right are there?
There are 30 human rights.
4.Which human right were you not familiar with? Mention an example where this human right is respected and where it is not respected.
Sexual orientation and gender identity is a human right in many Asian countries don’t accept, homosexuality is punishable by death. And in other countries like our, Spain, If you’re gay doesn’t matter, everyone has the right to love who you want independently of their sex.
‘Kony 2012′ Director Jason Russell Detained After ‘Meltdown’
The situation of the United States and Spain is different, because here we do nothing to help another countries in need, this is because our country already has enough problems as to help them to others.
I think if everyone were to favor and end to what is happening in Uganda, Joseph Kony would be arrested and couldn’t attract more children. I hope the video reaches its ends.
dimarts, 6 de març del 2012

'Driving and facebooking is not safe! Haha'
Forever friends
Me like an ideal partner!
As I said, my name is Cristina Malirach and I'm 17 years old. I'm quite tall and I am dark-haired and brown-eyed. Probably my breast isn't acording with my body and in a few years I want to have an operation. I'm long-legged and a warm-hearted person, sometimes this is a bad thing. I like to keep fit and that's why I am doing rowing.
I really like dancing and, my friends and I, often go to Chic for dance, and search our ideal partner too! hahahaha. I'd like to meet someone warm-hearted, honest and faithful although I think that it is a rather difficult combination.
I have an only hobby and it's rowing, it's maybe the best thing when you are tired of school or whatever.
Looking forward to hearing from you (only If you meet the standards!) (:
dilluns, 5 de març del 2012
Father who beat 16-year-old boy in Youtube brawl faces ten years in prison
What to do? Where to go?

What to do? Where to go?
Today, I will write about my future. Next year, in 4 months I have to take an important decision of what to study and where I will study. In April I will have to do the preinscription and prepare for the “selectivitat” and If I don’t get the necessary mark for my career I will have to do another career.
When I was little I wanted to be a lawyer, but now I think that this career isn’t for me, I can’t see me working all day. I admire this profession but I think that I will not be happy. My other option is be a teacher, but I don’t know if I should do nursery or primary because I like all children.
The other thing that worries me is where I will study. My two options are Girona and Barcelona. If I go to Girona, I will have my brother there and this is a bonus, and Girona is closer than Barcelona. If I go to Barcelona, I will be with my best friend and this is a bonus too, because now her parents have bought a flat for her and her sisters there, but as her sisters are younger two rooms will not be occupied for two or three years and I will occupied. An other bonus to go in Barcelona is that Barcelona is the capital, the most famous, interesting and well known city. But the two options, Barcelona and Girona, have good universities, and the career I will do are in both. What should I do? And where? At the moment I don’t have anything clear
Andrea (:

Carnival in Castelló!

The rowing party!

divendres, 2 de març del 2012
Oral presentation Research's project
Carnival at Roses!