diumenge, 6 de maig del 2012

My tattoo!

Hi today I will talk about my first tattooo!!

Today, 4 of May I went to figueres for get my tatto at Artsteel. This started two months ago, when I stared to think that I want a tatto with something important for me, and I want to painted at my skin. The site was chosen at the first time, and is by the side of the heart, on the ribs because here it's a place discret and you can only see if I want that you see it. But this place has a problem, is one of the places where it hurts more has a tatto. 
After, I has to decide what to put on, because I knowed that it will be a thing relacionated with my father (who dies when I was 2 months) but I didn't know how I can remember he with a tatto. One day, I remember that when I was little, and I came to my mum and asked her where is daddy, she always answered me that look at the sky and he is the shiniest star. This is the reason of my tatto, because I put on my skin "L'estrella més brillant". One of my others problems was put this in catalan or in english, and finally I put it in catalan because it's the language that I talk at home, and it was more logical to put it in catalan than in english.

When I was at the tatto center, I was very nervous because I didn't know if I would do much damage, but when the man started I only felt a little twinge but not hurt, only noticed it.

Three days ago that I have my tatto, and I am very happy because it is healing very well and makes me no bad.

1 comentari:

  1. Oooow... I didn't know before the meaning of your tattoo! I think it's so beautiful... :') Really, it's very cute the final result!
