dilluns, 19 de març del 2012

Letter to Barack Obama

Dear Mr President Obama

I wanted to write you this letter to give my opinion on the video KONY 2012 that has been published online this month.

This video has caused a great bend to the Internet millions of people have seen the video and have shared. But what if this video was just an attempt to distract people from the big crisis that is facing the world? The first time I saw the video I cried, I was very excited to think that there are people in the world that who cares for those who don’t see, but then my classmates began to speculate about the cause of this video.

It could be that the video had more than one goal, apart to raise awareness of the world from what happens in Uganda, also wants to distract people from their own problems.

In conclusion, the problem of the tyrant who collects children is there, and thanks to this video we could know it and we can do something. I hope the tyrant Kony disappear, and this video isn’t only to distract.

Yours sincerely,

Cristina Malirach Reitg

diumenge, 18 de març del 2012

Human rights

0. 0-Quiz: do you know your rights?

I don’t know what is my score, because when I finished the quiz I only see this: Thank you for playing this quiz! :S

1. 1- What are human rights?

Inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being.

2. 2-Why were they created?

Human rights were created to ensure safety for all people in the world by simply being human.

3.How many human right are there?

There are 30 human rights.

4.Which human right were you not familiar with? Mention an example where this human right is respected and where it is not respected.

Sexual orientation and gender identity is a human right in many Asian countries don’t accept, homosexuality is punishable by death. And in other countries like our, Spain, If you’re gay doesn’t matter, everyone has the right to love who you want independently of their sex.

‘Kony 2012′ Director Jason Russell Detained After ‘Meltdown’

This news tell us that this week the co-founder of KONY 2012 has been arrested for bad behavior in San Diego. The Invisible children association created the video, and in the video appears Jason Russell's son, and the video is aimed at raising awareness among all the world about Joseph Kony do with Uganda's children.

The situation of the United States and Spain is different, because here we do nothing to help another countries in need, this is because our country already has enough problems as to help them to others.

I think if everyone were to favor and end to what is happening in Uganda, Joseph Kony would be arrested and couldn’t attract more children. I hope the video reaches its ends.

dimarts, 6 de març del 2012



Hello today I will write about the Rihanna’s concert in Barcelona.

On the 14th of December last year, I went to Rihanna’s concert in Barcelona because my boyfriend (now he is my ex-boyfriend because we broke up…). My boyfriend gave me the ticket in January (that’s a present surprise) and in February all the tickets were already sold out!. On Wednesday 14th, when I left school my mother took me to the train in Figueras and my boyfriend was waiting for me at Barcelona station. From there we drove to the Palau Sant Jordi where the concert was.

Before singing Rihanna, DJ Calvin Harris performed and it began at 7:30. This DJ is who made the remix of “We found love in a hoplees place”. Then it, finally was Rihanna performing, it was full and people screaming (I screamed too hahaha). The concert was great, she played all the songs that I like. She played “The way you lie” on the piano, played drums and even she took a guy from the public to dance with her! This moment was absolutely amazing!

During the concert she changed her clothes 5 times, and the scene was changing all the time. The concert ended about 12, but we didn’t get home until 3 am… and the next morning school at 8! Hahaha The concert was fantastic, the company also, and it was like a gift after my research’s paper! (:

'Driving and facebooking is not safe! Haha'

'Driving and facebooking is not safe! Haha': Chilling last text sent by teenage driver seconds before she died in 80mph horror crash
This news tells us about an 18 years girl who died after hanging up on her facebook, that is not save drive and facebooking. The young girl was returning from university towards her parents house while she was texting on facebook when she crashed into a tanker truck.
I think that this is a perfect example to show that you need your 5 senses to drive. I hope this serves as a lesson to all the people who talk on the phone while driving.

Forever friends

Forever friends: Women who were schoolmates, colleagues and even honeymooned together die within a week of each other after nearly 100 years of friendship

This news tells a story about the friendship between two women. They met when they were 4 years old and until their death, they were together. They died a week apart at 99 years old. Almost one hundred years of friendship.
Just reading the title of this news I loved it because I would like that this story could be the same as with my best friend Andrea. I hope that we can have a lifetime of friendship.
I liked it because it is a great example of true friendship! (:

Daily mail

Me like an ideal partner!

Hello, my name is Cristina and I live in Castelló d'empúries. Now I'm going to tell myself because I want to meet my ideal partner.
As I said, my name is Cristina Malirach and I'm 17 years old. I'm quite tall and I am dark-haired and brown-eyed. Probably my breast isn't acording with my body and in a few years I want to have an operation. I'm long-legged and a warm-hearted person, sometimes this is a bad thing. I like to keep fit and that's why I am doing rowing.
I really like dancing and, my friends and I, often go to Chic for dance, and search our ideal partner too! hahahaha. I'd like to meet someone warm-hearted, honest and faithful although I think that it is a rather difficult combination.
I have an only hobby and it's rowing, it's maybe the best thing when you are tired of school or whatever.
Looking forward to hearing from you (only If you meet the standards!) (:

dilluns, 5 de març del 2012

Father who beat 16-year-old boy in Youtube brawl faces ten years in prison

This news tells us about a man who hit his son of 16 and posted the video on youtube. He faces up to 57 years in prison.
I can’t understand how a father can beat his son to the point of breaking his teeth, and also upload it to youtube. Violence against a child is already bad enough, but if this violence is made by a father…it is worse! I hope that he can never see his son again.

What to do? Where to go?

What to do? Where to go?

Today, I will write about my future. Next year, in 4 months I have to take an important decision of what to study and where I will study. In April I will have to do the preinscription and prepare for the “selectivitat” and If I don’t get the necessary mark for my career I will have to do another career.

When I was little I wanted to be a lawyer, but now I think that this career isn’t for me, I can’t see me working all day. I admire this profession but I think that I will not be happy. My other option is be a teacher, but I don’t know if I should do nursery or primary because I like all children.

The other thing that worries me is where I will study. My two options are Girona and Barcelona. If I go to Girona, I will have my brother there and this is a bonus, and Girona is closer than Barcelona. If I go to Barcelona, I will be with my best friend and this is a bonus too, because now her parents have bought a flat for her and her sisters there, but as her sisters are younger two rooms will not be occupied for two or three years and I will occupied. An other bonus to go in Barcelona is that Barcelona is the capital, the most famous, interesting and well known city. But the two options, Barcelona and Girona, have good universities, and the career I will do are in both. What should I do? And where? At the moment I don’t have anything clear

Andrea (:

Today I will write about my best friend Andrea.

She lives in Empuriabrava since she was 3 years old, now she is 17 and at the 9th of June she will be 18!! (before me.. gRrrr! Hahahaha). She has two sisters, her big sister is friend of my big brother since like they are little, like us.

We met when we were 3 years old and since the first moment we are really friends. At the school we were always at the same class, at this class are Mireia, Aleix or Lydia too. When we started the highschool we were in different class and we are quite separated this 3 years, but at 3th we resum our best friendship because at these moment we started to row in the same team. At batxillerat we are at the same class and definitely she was close to me, at my side!

That I remember, we never argue, maybe because we are very similar. I hope that we are always friends, because I love her so much and she is definitely a great friend of mine (:

Carnival in Castelló!

Today I will write about Carnival in Castelló.

Last weekend, 24th, 25th and 26th was the Carnival in Castelló and Empuriabrava. Friday 24th started the Carnival in Empuriabrava. At 9:30 was the concentration at Club Nautic and the route started at 10 o’clock. Our float was finished and it consisted of a “kamehouse” that inside was the fridge and the music equip, a palm outside and waves, because it represented the island where Fullet Tortuga lives. My friend Marta (you know her from 4th ESO) and her boyfriend made the music CD and it was absolutely a great music, the top ten! Hahaha.

After the route we went to Saloon bar until 4 o’clock approximately and after I went to slept at Andrea’s house. Saturday the party started before, because at 7 oclock we met to do a dinner all the group together and we went to JR for a sandwich and after at 9:30 we went to the route. On the route I met my grandmothe
r, she told that my “wig” suits me hahahaha ( the “wig” was blue… I think that she didn’t see very well!). When the route was over the party continued at the city’s room and for me the party finished at 6 oclock… yawn!

Sunday I woke up at 11 because at 12 there was the last route at Empuriabrava… I looked like a survivor of war because I only sleept 5 hours!
Oh my goodness, it was an amazing weekend and I enjoyed it so much! (:

The rowing party!

Today I will write about the rowing party!

On the 19th of Febraury was the rowing party at Banyoles and all the clubs of Catalonia went there to have a regatta and lunch all together. I was injured and I couldn’t row but I wanted to be with my team and a few days before I started to practice to be their rudder person. During the race I was cheering my team, as ever, because with motivation you can row much better. The experience was not bad, I liked to be their rudder person and until my back recovers I will be their rudder person. We were third in the race and this was fine because we were the only juvenile girls, all the rest were boys!!

After the race we went to make ourselves pretty for lunch because after lunch there was the award ceremony for the clubs. Lunch was so much fun with girls, and our club, Xon’s Rem Empuriabrava, was awarded as the best female senior team. It was a great day, sport and friends! What more? (:

(I put this photo because I think that it's a powerful photo)

divendres, 2 de març del 2012

Oral presentation Research's project

Hello my name is Cristina Malirach and today I will explain us my research’s Project tituled “The new Catalan pop and rock groups”.

Why did I chose this subject?

This subject was on the list provided by the teachers. My tutor suggested that fist I decided which subject I wanted to do my work on, and after talk to this subject’s teachers. I wanted do something about catalan. I went to talk with my teacher Anna and we decided to choose rock and pop to analise the groups and their songs, however Anna had to leave the school and I had a new teacher, Auxi and she is a music teacher.
Finally we changed the idea and for the practical I created a song, using the parameters that Catalan groups use.
On the other hand, since I was little I have loved very much music, because I played the violin, but moreover I really love Catalan music like “els Pets”, Lax’n’busto, or Sopa de Cabra and these groups were the music I grew up with.


To make the theme I chose suitable academically for a research paper I proposed the following four objectives. The first and second were theory objectives.
1. To learn about the history of popular music in Catalunya, since 50’ years to the 90’.
2. The second objective was to know the musical route some of the new catalan groups had taken
The third and fourth objectives were practical
3. Explain how make a song, what are the steps to take and what to find to realize a catchy melody.
4. And the last was to create a song like the groups of my theory part.


To make this work I used a very basic method in which I combined the theoretical with the practical section so that I do not bored. First I started looking for the information on new groups, and I choose this 5: Vuit, Teràpia de Shock, Els amics de les Arts, Mishima and Manel. Of these groups I find: the year of creation, the gender, the origin, the members, the because of the group’s name and other things like these.
After that, I started with the history of Catalan music, where I gathered information from groups such as Sau, Lax’n’busto or Els pets. Moreover the history started the 50’ years, and I can knowed a lot of groups like Setze Jutges or Raimon, wich were very popular in catalunya.

The practical

My practical part consists of three parts: first how to create a song, compose a song, and finally the themes used in the songs.
With the first part, I didn’t find information anywhere, and my tutor was helping me, and finally we found a south American site that explains step by step. After kwnowed this information, I had to learn it to compose my own song. This second part was to analyze the song Dorm of VUIT’S group to extract agreements, melody and rhythm and then change the lyrics for my own lyrics (because to make a whole song was too hard for me and I didn’t have enough knowledge to do it).
And finally the last part I explained that the theme more used in the songs is love, but is not the only, there are many themes like revolution or friendship.


My first objective was to learn about the history of popular music in Catalunya, since 50’ years to the 90’, and I can knowed this and much more, because I can knowed all the problems that Catalan had in that time, and all the repression suffered.
My second objective was to know the musical route some of the new catalan groups had taken, and through this research I learned that these groups were created years ago, but were not made know until 4-5 years ago. I also noticed that catalan music isn’t in crisis, but the market itself yes.
Finally my two practical objectives to know how a song and do it, I can only say that it was very rewarding for me do it.


Finally, in the appendices of my research’s project you can find the interview with the band Teràpia de Shock, and the personal profile oh each group member that I could do.

Thanks for your attention, and If you have any question I try to answered.

Carnival at Roses!

Hi, today I will write about the Carnival, especially in Roses.

Last Friday 17th of February my friend and I went to Roses for Carnival. At 9 o’clock the route started and the party started too! First we went on the route but our float wasn’t prepared yet and we only danced with the other participants and their floats.

At the route I seen very differents costumes, like “Capitan Salami” of “La que se avecina”, or Jessy of Toy Story, Olive Oyl of Popeye, Mazinger Z… These were the most outstanding. And the others were more normal like mechanic, cows, little red riding hood, Minnie, Sherlock Holmes and others. After the route the party continued in the town hall. When we were here, we started to notice how cold we had been outside (my fingers were frozen!) A group played music like towns parties (not like flaix fm hahahaha!) and we danced a lot. At two o’clock a crazy man broke the fire extinguisher and we had to leave the hall because it was full of the spray. At four o’clock we returned at home, for me the night was over but not the Carnival, because this weekend it will be the Carnival of Castelló!!!! (: