diumenge, 13 de maig del 2012

My English COMPETENCE in 2012

I chose this oral presentation because it’s mu final oral presentation in high school, and therefore the best. I believe that through the practice of all the presentations I’ve done, I managed to make an oral presentation without being me so nervous and enjoying what I explain.

I think is my best work because I knew very well what I spoke, I understood everything that was told and I think it was a very interesting subject for me and for young people too. In addition to this, I improved my body language in front of the class and my pronunciation.  Also I learned how to do a power point for an oral presentation, because before I put all the text in the dispositive, but now I know that this isn’t useful, you have to put only the essential in the dispositive and moreover a lot of big photos.

I chose this composition because it talks about my future and this is what I have been preparing all these years in high school. I also chose this composition because I believe that writing about my future it’s important, I will have to move to another city, so mature. This topics are important and I like,  however I still don’t know what to study! :S This composition isn’t one of the longest, ore one of the prettiest, but I chose this because of the subject. I’ve been hesitating between this composition or one of the third term of first that I really love my vocabulary and the topic too, but I think that my best written have to be of second! 

I think this composition is the best simply for the topic, the future is important and study is only we can do to ensure a good future. Education should never be rejected, we must always be learning, as in English. Nowadays more than ever we have to study English, make an effort and continue practicing English either attending classes or doing Erasmus! I like so much the idea of Erasmus! hahahaha

My English progress from 2010-2012

In the email I sent to the teacher at the beginning of the course, there were mistakes by translate expressions of the catalan, and some vocabulary errors. This year we have been working  for example the false friends or  and I can improve my vocabulary thanks of this.

Now, in my latest composition, I use the new vocabulary I learn this year, and I learn the characteristics of the types of composition like dialogue, narrative, opinion... The new vocabulary I learn especially are the connectors like moreover or even though that I use in my compositions.

My first oral presentation was about my dogs, and I was very nervous even though I know all the vocabulary that I had to use, and all I had to say. However being my first presentation in high school, in front of the class, alone… I was very nervous!

My last presentation was of the research’s project, and thanks to these two years practicing oral presentations in English class, I have quite lost the fear I had in front of people. Furthermore this last presentation I knew very well, because I had done in Catalan, and I take a year working this topic.

The examples of my improve in the oral presentations can be the “eeem”, “aaah”, when I am collapsed in front of the class! Hahahaha Now I think that I don’t use it.

I see developing in the way of writing, the vocabulary that I use, and in particular on the progress on the faults of the sentences.

dissabte, 12 de maig del 2012

Why I don't want to be famous

Today I will write about famous people life's. 

At first, it seems that to be famous it’s fun, everyone knows you, ask you for photos and autographs, shops give you things , but behind all this, there is a hard life. It’s very hard trying to hide your private life to the paparazzi and people, because if you’re an actor for example, you became famous for your work if you are a good actor, and normally you would separate the work of private life, but usually this doesn’t is possible.

People who became famous, have to be care about their past, as if they had a wild youth, has taken drugs or something like this, sure these things will be known. But if you get angry with the press because they have said thing that aren’t true, or have said things about you private life, will be worse, because then they say that you are violent.

For all these reasons and many more that I don’t know because I’m not famous, I never change my normal stock life. I think we all have a wonderful life compared to all the celebrities who suffer the stress.

The fashion chains that make British shoppers pay 60% more than in Europe

This new talk about the prices of clothing, because it seems that in UK they pay 60% more than in other countries of Europe. The global chains that make that are Mango, H&M and Zara. Spain, France or Italy are more cheppear than UK. The only country that is more expensive is Switzerland. But the problem is that the consummators are ready to pay their clothes more expensive.

In my opinion, if a global chain like Zara or Mango, are in all the European countries, they have to put the same price at their shops, because in Europe we are under the same economic conditions, and I don’t understand why they put the price more expensive in UK or Switzerland. But on the other hand, I think that the prices should be according to income for person in each country, because if in Spain the minimum wage is 600 euros aproxametly and in France is the twice, the prices of the clothes or food should be according to that.  

High street goes bust! Plus size lingerie range featuring size 46K bras, premieres at Debenhams

This new talk about a famous brand of women underwear that produces small sizes, goes bust. By contrast, the new Debenhams has launched its first underwear collection specifically aimed at plus size women. Before you had to go to specialty stores to find plus sizes lingerie, but now you can find it at the street. The chain have stores around the country for the women who uses plus size lingerie in UK.

I love that they finally opened a chain of stores for plus size women, because nowadays there is an established canon of beauty that isn’t healthy. To be fashionable you must be very thin, and I think this is very bad to the society. Everyone has the right to be fashionable no matter what size you use!

Scandal-hit music teacher, 49, splits up with his 16 pupil

This new talk about a couple formed by a music teacher and his pupil, when she was only 16 years old. He seduced her when he was his teacher at the Academy. He was married before stared the relationship but he break out his couple and star with his pupil, and the girl argue with her family for her new boyfriend. After that, they married and now they have two children. But now, the girl was 24 years, and she inform that they aren’t in a good times for the couple, and her husband has to move out. 

I think this new is an aberration, because how a teacher can seduce his pupil? It’s immoral because this broke the principles to be a teacher. After, if I was the mother of the 16 girl, I never let go my daughter with a 49 teacher, he could make anything to my daughter!! And finally, how she can let down her studies to married and got children with he? It’s very incredible, I am in shock!

Sain't George's Day!

Hi, today I will write about St George's Day!

Last Monday 23 of April, was St George's day again (like every year hahaha) but this year, is the first year that I don't have boyfriend for St George and it was different to me. Last year, my boyfriend (now ex-boyfriend) gave to me a bouquet of roses, and this was incredible, was fantastic to me because it was a surprise. And my brother gave me a rose and another to my mother like every year. Two years ago, my ex-ex-boyfriend (hahahaha) gave me three roses and it was cool, because apart of his roses I had others of my friends and my brother. But this year everything has been diferent. By one hand all years I went to the stands of books and roses in Castelló, or in Figueres, and made a walk with my mum or my boyfriend, but this year St George's day was a Monday, and exaclty in the week that I had 6 exams... and I can't go :( On the other hand, this year I only have a rose, the rose of my brother who never fails to me! 

When my mother arrived to work, she said to me " Oh Cristina what happens this year? you only have Aleix's rose? oh my good, how terrible is life for you not?" and I laugh a lot with she, because she had more roses than me this year... hahaha! Well this is my Saint George's Day 2012, a different one!

divendres, 11 de maig del 2012

Translations of all!!

Hi today I will write about the traductions spain do at anything!

When we go to the cinema, we only can see films in spanish and sometimes in catalan, and this is a problem to people who wants learn english o other languages. In other countries like Germany or France you can go to cinema and see the films in original version and this is very good to learn a language, and improve your listening. This is for the legacy of Franco, he made a closed Spain in all directions, and the patria`s language is only Spanish, no Catalan, no Euskera... and of course the other languages like english, french or german. 

Another horrible habit it's to translate the tittles of the films, and the t.v shows. An example of this is the film Dark Shadows, here we say Sombras Tenebrosas, and this is necesary? I think that people can understand a minimum of a language, and of course the tittle of a film! Oh please, I despair when I see that! Another example is the tv show Big Brother, this programme is in so many countries around the world like Brasil, Italy and Spain, but here we say Gran Hermano, and in the others countries they say Big Brother even though they don't speak english in their countries. Why Spain is different?? I only find the answer under Franco's regim, and I hope this legacy of Franco will desapear in few years.

dilluns, 7 de maig del 2012


Today I will write about Barraques!
Last Friday 4th of May I went to barraques for the first time this year because the others days I had class… hahahaha! At the afternoon Andrea, Júlia and me went to figures to get my tattoo and after we went to Konig for dinner, because we love Konig’s patatas braves! After dinner, we walked to barraques and at 11:00 started Lax’n’busto’s concert! This is the reason why we went to barraques on Friday, we three love Lax’n’busto. We were at third row and we were crazy because the singer look at us every time, and more when my friend Júlia took my soap (I have a soap on barraques because I have to clean my tattoo at the night and I have to bring it) and up it…
After Lax’n’busto’s concert we came out of the crowd and went to the barraques, and the role was every year the same, because when you walked for barraques you came across all the people you knowed and this is the grace of barraques. It was a fantastic night of friends and I was very good with them. But unfortunately it’s done, and it don’t return until a year! :S

diumenge, 6 de maig del 2012

Nails trend

Hi today I will talk about the new trend of the nails.
Since a year ago approximately girls have their nails painted with bright colors. Colors like green, blue, yellow, purple and others have become fashionable. With this new trend you can show your mood or simply combine it with the clothes you wear.
In my case, I love have the nails at the new trend, and I like so much painted my nails, and for that I bought so much bright colors. These colors are blue “sky”, purple, yellow, green “grass”, and a gum pink.
When I paint my nails with this colors, I choose the color depending the things I will do the next two days, because If I have to do a exams probably I will bit my nails and the color will be ugly, but If I have a relax week, I will paint my nails combinated with my outfits.
My conclusion of this new trend is that colors give you life, and these bright colors give you joy and fun in your life. Definitely I will paint my nails with these happy colors! J

My tattoo!

Hi today I will talk about my first tattooo!!

Today, 4 of May I went to figueres for get my tatto at Artsteel. This started two months ago, when I stared to think that I want a tatto with something important for me, and I want to painted at my skin. The site was chosen at the first time, and is by the side of the heart, on the ribs because here it's a place discret and you can only see if I want that you see it. But this place has a problem, is one of the places where it hurts more has a tatto. 
After, I has to decide what to put on, because I knowed that it will be a thing relacionated with my father (who dies when I was 2 months) but I didn't know how I can remember he with a tatto. One day, I remember that when I was little, and I came to my mum and asked her where is daddy, she always answered me that look at the sky and he is the shiniest star. This is the reason of my tatto, because I put on my skin "L'estrella més brillant". One of my others problems was put this in catalan or in english, and finally I put it in catalan because it's the language that I talk at home, and it was more logical to put it in catalan than in english.

When I was at the tatto center, I was very nervous because I didn't know if I would do much damage, but when the man started I only felt a little twinge but not hurt, only noticed it.

Three days ago that I have my tatto, and I am very happy because it is healing very well and makes me no bad.