Today I will write about the things I will not do when I am old. Now, I’m 17 years old, and I see old age like far away thing, but I will be old without realizing. All of the old
I see every day a lot of old people who go out in their slippers and dressing gown, and I don’t like this for me. I hope I don’t do this. Another thing in relation to this is the personal hygiene of old people – one shower a week, never washing clothes, forgetting to put in their false teeth...!people say “Enjoy your youth while you can”, and this makes me scared a lot.

There is a thing, that it’s disgusting for me, and I think that’s that the old people don’t care about. This thins is that they put their false teeth in a glass on their bed side table. I can’t deal with this, because imagine if in the middle of the night you are thirsty and in error you drink it! Oh how horrible!!
Another thing that is more usually on men are that they have hair from their nose and ears, it’s horrible too. They should depilate them. But women don’t have this hair from their nose and ear, they have chin hair! Arghhh
In conclusion, become old it’s a little horrible for me…!
Jajajaja I'm sure that you will do all this things when you will be old ;)