divendres, 25 de novembre del 2011
Oral presentation
dissabte, 19 de novembre del 2011
Plastic surgery
Plastic surgery
Hi, my name is Cristina and she is Andrea and today we will talk about plastic surgery.
Plastic surgery is a medical specialty concerned with the correction or restoration of body. Though cosmetic surgery is the best-known kind of plastic surgery, but cosmetic surgery is not the only: plastic surgery includes many types: reconstructive surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and the reconstruction of burns.
The translation of a papyrus by one of the greatest Egyptologists of the twentieth century, let us know that cosmetic surgery began 3000 years before Christ (bc). This document is 5 meters in length and include about 48 cases of operations.
There is another story about the origins of plastic surgery. They say in India when Sushruta published Sushruta Shamita, cosmetic surgery begins.
Reconstructive surgery
World War was the moment which promotes plastic surgery as we know it today, because the huge number of victims of war soldiers injured by projectiles which disfigured their faces and their bodies forced the formation of centers specialist reconstruction of injured in Europe and the United States.
In periods of peace between the First and Second World War there was a great development of cosmetic surgery.
Plastic surgery is considered a surgical discipline problem solving. Plastic surgery extends its not just the skin, also arrive to other parts of the body like the face, hands, neck, abdominal wall, limbs, reproductive system , breast and hair.
Today, when someone has an accident in which them damaged any part of their body like face or hands, our society has programs for the reconstruction of the damaged parts.
Famous people
In the last twenty years cosmetic surgery has become very popular at the famous world. Almost all celebrities has operated something in her body or face. The best know are breast implant, but the facelift are very popular too. Celebrities can be cosmetic surgery obsessions too, like Donatella Versace, nobody knows how many operations has done. At her 56 years old, her breasts are like a 2 balloons! And her lips are unusually large, as you can see at the photo. Christina Aguilera has augmented her chest too.
Other celebrity that she has operated is Blake Lively, she operated her nose, and now she look so pretty.
There are two actress who has been augmented her lips: Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Kidman.
Most celebrities, both men and women, have Botox injections in the face to remove wrinkles and look younger. These injections should be applied every 6 months, don’t last forever.
divendres, 18 de novembre del 2011
Can we live without humour?
Now, I will make my evaluation of Oral my Presentation. I made the oral presentation about plastic surgery, with Andrea, and I think that Andrea was better than me.
I started the oral, and the nerves started too. The first part of the oral I was so nervous and trembling , because I knew what I had to say, but the words didn’t come out! My class mates made me more nervous, and when I finished the first part and Andrea started to talk I was calm because Andrea talk quiet and calm. Thanks to this, my second part of the Oral was much better to the first part. I think my accent is not perfect, but the nerves influence so much!
So I hope that the teacher understands my nerves and give me a hight mark! hahahaha :)
I comment on this article because I am very romantic, and this article talks about a fairytale about love. The article talks about two people that met when they were little on their holidays, and they meet again 18 years after! And then they started a relationship, and now they are married. Their story has travelled the world of this true love story, for me it is really beautiful. Amazing that after so many years they met again and even more amazing that they fell in love. I like to believe in love and marriage, especially in these days when everyone is getting divorced!
The anorexic mother who weighs less than her daughter, 7
I want to comment about the article where a anorexic woman weights less than her daughter , who is 7years old. This women has serious anorexic disorder, because she only eats soup, toast and energy drinks! I can’t understand how she can have a baby, as she couldn’t produce milk to feed her.
Her problem started when she was 13 years old and her parents got divorced. At school she was very fat and did not have any friends. When she lost a lot of weight, people were her friends, so she felt happy.
When she was pregnant, her boyfriend tried to make her eat, but her stomach started to feel sick if she ate other food that wasn’t from her diet.
The greatest gathering on Earth: Three million Muslims attend annual hajj pilgrimage as Eid holiday gets under way
This article talks about the pilgrimage to the Mecca. Every year a lot of Muslims go to Mecca on the same day, and this causes a lot of huge crowds of people. If I was Muslim, I would be afraid because I don’t like be in a small place, with a lot of people. The numbers of people are so high that it is dangerous. People have died, they are crushed under foot. The celebrations are very important for Muslims and their religion, but I think there should be some control for the numbers of people.
The Saudi government have built a concrete construction to control the crowds and in the last festival this was a success and no one was killed.
dijous, 17 de novembre del 2011
My dreams
My dreams
Hello teacher! My name is Cristina Malirach, but I think that you know that because you are my teacher in 4 ESO. I live in Castelló d’empuries with my mother and my brother Aleix (you were his teacher a few years ago).
At this moment, I don’t know what to study, but one year ago I am positive that I will study law at the university Pompeu Fabra. But now I don’t know anything, only that I will go to the university but not where, if Barcelona or girona.
My dreams closer are pass the second batxillerat and the selectivity, because I am very afraid of the selectivity. I don’t care to fit in on my class, because my classmates are my friends outside high school and I know them from long. I hope that is good, and not a turn for the worse in my school expedient. Other thing that I hope is go to London with you, because I went to London two years ago but I liked so much and I want to return.
I think that I’m a normal student, I try to don’t neglect my homework and earn good marks because I don’t know what to study and I need to have a high mark.
I hope don’t give up on myself, and meet this challenges in the future because all that I will be, is only created for me, the education that’s all I think and I put my best effort to created my education in a good way.
dimecres, 16 de novembre del 2011
Dialogue Andrea-Cristina
Daisy: Hi Ari, how are you? Can you meet us today at the afternoon in the Punt de trobada bar?
Ari: Okey Daisy! I will see you there!
Ari comes into Punt de Trobada and sits down at Daisy’s table.
Daisy: Hi darling! How are you today? I have awesome surprise for you!
Ari: Really? Tell me about it!
Daisy: Don’t you see something strange about me?
Ari: mmm yep. There’s something, but I can’t say what it is. Have you been to the hairdresser, haven’t you?
Daisy: Wrong!! Try again!
Ari: I don’t know. Maybe something about your body…
Daisy: You’re right!
Ari: What it is?
Daisy: Don’t you see it? My dress fits me a lot, and this is because of my boobs and my…
Daisy stans up
Ari: Your ass! OMG…What have you done? Are you fucking crazy, doesn’t you?
Daisy: Nooo, I’m not fucking crazy, just fucking better! J
dissabte, 12 de novembre del 2011
When I am old...

Today I will write about the things I will not do when I am old. Now, I’m 17 years old, and I see old age like far away thing, but I will be old without realizing. All of the old
I see every day a lot of old people who go out in their slippers and dressing gown, and I don’t like this for me. I hope I don’t do this. Another thing in relation to this is the personal hygiene of old people – one shower a week, never washing clothes, forgetting to put in their false teeth...!people say “Enjoy your youth while you can”, and this makes me scared a lot.

There is a thing, that it’s disgusting for me, and I think that’s that the old people don’t care about. This thins is that they put their false teeth in a glass on their bed side table. I can’t deal with this, because imagine if in the middle of the night you are thirsty and in error you drink it! Oh how horrible!!
Another thing that is more usually on men are that they have hair from their nose and ears, it’s horrible too. They should depilate them. But women don’t have this hair from their nose and ear, they have chin hair! Arghhh
In conclusion, become old it’s a little horrible for me…!
What I am afraid of

Today I will write why I am afraid of ants. One day, when I was 9 years old approximately, I lay down in the grass of my garden because it was siesta time and my mother did the siesta on a sunbed. When I woke up from my siesta I felt tickles on my body and I opened my eyes and I saw my body covered in ants! I started to cry and jumped into the pool, but the ants didn’t go and I took a shower and the ants disappear. After this I can’t see a ant because if not I screaming! How strange that I’m scared of such a small animal, when I’m not afraid of dogs, spiders, vampires…

The other animals that I’m afraid are bats. Also when I was young, I was at Mireia’s house playing with dolls and a bat entered through the balcony. Mireia and I started screaming ad Mireia’s father came to save us! He killed the bat with a brush. Since that day, I don’t like so much bats, because it broke our baby afternoon…
The worst T.V cannel

Today I will write about the worst TV. channel on ours T.V., this channel is Telecinco. It appeared a lot of years ago, but recently (10 years ago) started to be a gossip T.V. channel. All day there are bad programmes where people argue, and use bad language. This programmes last all afternoon like Salvame, others of these programmes are “ Mujeres y Hombres y Viceversa”, in English this is women and men and viceversa, and they try to create couples, but the people who go there are common and the couples only last from Christmas to Boxing Day.
Other programme are “Acorralados” (Trapped), or “Supervivientes” (survived). Last week at the official page web, Telecinco asked what’s worst: have a son; black, catalan or gay. This question has raised a lot of problems within Spain. Telecinco apologized and took back the question off the web page, but the damage was done. With this question they demonstrated their racism towards Catalans, blacks and gays, but you can have a son catalan, gay and black! What a nightmare for Telecinco no?
The day my dog almost died!
Hello, today I will write about my pet, Quisso.
He is a dog without pedigree, but he is like a Papillon. When I was little my brother asked from the 3 kings, at Christmas, for a dog. But, when we woke up we had a soft toy dog and we were angry.
This day we had lunch at my aunt’s restaurants and at the desert they gave us a real dog, Llampec, but it was my brother’s present and I was very jealous. Seven months after, my grandmother gave me a dog, and this is Quisso, who the story is about.
Now, Quisso and Llampec was 10 and 11 years old, because this occurred in 2000.
This Sunday 2 of October my family came at home to lunch (with my dear little cousin Ignasi, he is 2 years old only! So cute!) and my mother cooked barbecue. When we finished, my little dog was a pain because he want the bones of the meat and my mother say ‘take it and shut up!’. He was so happy that he didn’t chew the bone and the bone got stuck in his throat. He was choking and I went to him and I put my hand into his mouth, but my fingers didn’t arrive to catch the bone and I cried, but luckly my cousin was there and she saved him! Abuuuuuf, I passed bad moments, and I cried so much that my cousin Ignasi got a fright and cried too.
In conclusion now my dog is well and this is only a fright.
My views on smoking!

Today I will write about the smoke, because when my grandfather was Young (now he is 91 years old!) , his aunt died and he inherited a newsagents. He never worked there, they had two shop assistens always, and he only looked after it. And 20 years ago my grandfather gave the newsagents to my mother. My mother now is the boss but the newsagents is in La Bisbal, and we live in Castellò, for this my mother continued with the same two shop assistens. I hate smoking, and what I’m doing in a smoking family? My grandfather smokes fat cigars that smells ; my mother smokes Marlboro light and other new cigarettes that distributors give her, my brother smokes Camel… and all my family smokes. But I forbid them, since I was little, to smoke inside the house, but at parties, Christimas or others family meals they can.
I don’t like smoke because it smells, even though you don’t smoke, the smell of the person beside you stays on your clothes and hair. An other thing why I hate smoking is it is very bad for your health, and your teeth become yellow.
This year, the government made a law to forbid smoking inside a bar or a restaurant, even if they had reformed the place for the other law of 3 years ago. The news say that this last law, has caused a lot of damage to the smoking industry but I don’t think this is true.
A perfect year for rowing!

Today I will write about the rowing season.
This year my rowing team won everything that we could win. In my club there are 5 categories, cadet female (14-15 years old), juvenile female (16-17 years old), senior male and female (18- no limit) and veterans female (more of 40 years old). My category us juvenile, and this year we are 10 girls: Maria, Mireia, Andrea, Lydia, Sonia, Gema, Núria Fàbrega, Marta, Núria Sala, and me. The season has the Catalan league, The batel championship, The llaut championship, The llagut championship, and Spanish championships.

We won the batel champion
ships in March in Palamós, we won the llaut championship in May in Banyoles, we won the Catalan league after fighting so much against Cambrils, because we were drew at every regatta! And finally in September we were second on the llagut championship in Cambrils, The Spanish championship will be at May of 2012 and we are training a lot to win this too, I am very proud of my team, even though it’s very hard.