It has been estimated that by 1914 there were 1083 NGOs. International NGOs were important in the anti-slavery movement and the movement for women's suffrage, and reached a peak at the time of the World Disarmament Conference.
The definition of "international NGO" (INGO) is "any international organization that is not founded by an international treaty".
• Non Governmental Organizations in the UN System" describes NGOs as non-commercial, and therefore should have a non-profit making aim, and non-political organization that should not `openly engage in violence or advocate violence as a political tactic and that they should be able to raise funds from their members or voluntary contributions.
Rapid development of the non-governmental sector occurred in western countries as a result of the processes of restructuring of the welfare state.
Globalization during the 20th century gave rise to the importance of NGOs.
There are many problems that couldn't be solved within a nation. International treaties and international organitations are too centred on the interests of capitalist enterprises.
NGOs have developed to emphasize humanitarian issues, developmental aid and sustainable development.
NGO type can be understood by orientation and level of co-operation.
NGO typebyorientation
NGO type by level of co-operation
Community- BasedOrganization;
City Wide Organization;
International NGOs;
NGOs are founded by people who voluntarily associate with an aim of working together to achieve a common goal/objective. Such a goal may be short or long-term, professional, needs driven or otherwise.
• Another reason for the existence of NGOs is that people come together in independent groups to promote some type of activity that is not being undertaken by governments. Alternatively, governments may already be involved in an activity but groups are formed in order to challenge the way government is handling it.
• Formation of NGOs require innovative thinking, creativity, conceptualization of vision, ability to assess an existing gap in the provision of a service(s) or goods which calls for the skills to analyze what is and what ought to be- the real and the ideal.
Most founders of successfulNGOs
• They have ability to influence and mobilize popular support from beneficiaries, government and other possible state holders.
• They should be clear on their geographical area of operation and have clearly stated missions and objectives.
• They are good at planning, have entrepreneurial and managerial skills, are willing to work voluntarily at least in the formative stages, should be able to understand the culture and traditions of the target groups and be ready to move with and adopt to the changing environment.
Not all people working for non-governmental organizations are volunteers.
Expatriates: There are some people that works permanently abroad helping people. They are the main members of the NGO, directing people and controlling that the aims are achieved.
Advantages and Disadvantages
1. They have the ability to experiment freely with innovative approaches and, if necessary, to take risks.
2. They are flexible in adapting to local situations and responding to local needs and therefore able to develop integrated projects, as well as sectoral projects.
3. They enjoy good rapport with people and can render micro-assistance to very poor peope as they can identify those who are most in need and tailor assistance to their needs.
4. They have the ability to communicate at all levels, from the neighbourhood to the top levels of government.
5. They are able to recruit both experts and highly motivated staff with fewer restrictions than the government.
1. Paternalistic attitudes restrict the degree of participation in programme/project design.
2. Restricted ways of apporach to a problem or area.
3. Lessreplicability of an idea, due to non-representativeness of the project or selected area, relatively small project coverage, dependence on outside financial resources, etc.
4. "Territorial possessiveness" of an area or project reduces cooperation between agencies, seen as threatening or competitive.
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is an international humanitarian movement with approximately 97 million volunteers, members and staff worldwide[1] which was founded to protect human life and health, to ensure respect for all human beings, and to prevent and alleviate human suffering, without any discrimination based on nationality, race, sex, religious beliefs, class or political opinions.
Greenpeace is a non-governmental environmental organization. Greenpeace states its goal is to "ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity"[3] and focuses its work on world wide issues such as global warming, deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling and anti-nuclear issues. Greenpeace uses direct action,lobbying and research to achieve its goals.
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an international non-governmental organization working on issues regarding the conservation, research andrestoration of the environment, formerly named the World Wildlife Fund, which remains its official name in Canada and the United States.
United Nations Children's Emergency Fundwas createdto provide emergency food and healthcare to children in countries that had been devastated by World War II. Now UNICEF provides long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries.
Andrea and Cristina.
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