dimarts, 1 de març del 2011


6 capellans street
Castelló d’Empúries
2th January 2011

Lluïsa Pintor
IES Castelló d’Empúries
8 rentador street
Castelló d’Empúries 17486

Dear headmistress
I write this letter for explain my opinions of our high school. Since I arrived at the High School Castelló d’empúries almost nothing changed, only for worse things like we can’t go out if the teacher isn’t at the school. The high school is very depressing, because all the walls are gray and although there are decorations. If the high school was colored, I think the students there would be more comfortable. I can’t understand who has won a design award if I fins so ugly.

The high school also has good things, like his curriculum. Students who leave this high school are well prepared for the selectivity. I would also like to do more activities in school, for relate to us more.

The teachers are very good, but very hard too, they make us work hard for improve. I hope my opinion will serve to improve our high school.

Yours faithfully,

Cristina Malirach Reitg

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