I don't like my presentation when I look my video, but it isn't so wrong, I have only some mistakes :P. It's my first oral presentation in "batxillerat", and I think I can improve of my mistakes for the next oral presentation! :)
divendres, 19 de novembre del 2010
The topic of my Oral presentation was my dogs. I explained his life with me, his breed and his likes and dislikes. My pronunciation in English it's so bad, I have very problems for pronunciation the difficuld words like "breed" or others. In my presentation, I was wrong many times, but I say "ai, perdo" and I continued, and I think that it's good because I don't stoped my presentation for the wrongs, I continued and finally I had a good presentation.
The film VS. The book

The film was very strong, because it was hard when it expressed what Tracy felt, and impacted you more than I could have done it's The Diary of Adrian Mole. The book was hard too, but it was not expressing a book so much.
The chance that Tracy experimented it's very striking, before, she was a good girls, she studied and take care to her family, and after met Evie she completely change, she was a bad girl, she was under the influence of the drugs all the day.

At the book, we can have a look at the middle-aged Mole's life in England. His life was very sad, because his parents are divoriced and she don't have love about nobody.
The book, for me, was a little boring, but I loved, and the film for me, was very interesting and represented the real life about the teenagers girls.
dijous, 18 de novembre del 2010
Oral presentation
Hi everybody, my name is Cristina Malirach and today I will talk about my pets.
I have two dogs, they are called Llampec and Quisso. Llampec is nine years, on the 20th November he will be 10 years and Quisso is 9 years, on the 15th of May he will be 10 years.
The Llampec’s breed is Golden retriever, he is white and his eyes are brown. The Quisso’s breed is mongrel, Quisso has 3 colours in his skin: brown, black and white, and his eyes are brown too.
I don’t know where Llampec was born, because my aunt gave my family this dog, he was from a dog shelter in Figueras.
When he arrived at my house he was only 3 months, and he was very afraid. At the nights he slept with my brother in his bedroom and he cried all the time. After 2 weeks he was happy at home, and he had confidence.
Quisso was born in la Bisbal, my grandmother’s friend had a dog, an the dog had 4 sons and 4 daughters, and she gave all the puppies away. I went at her house and I chose Quisso. When he arrived at home Llampec was very happy with him because he could play now.
The name Llampec was chosen by my brother because Llampec, when he was little, he was never quiet, and he ran all the time into the garden and my brother said “he’s as fast as lightening”. And this is the reason.
The name Quisso was chosen by me, and Quisso is a God’s name, and I like it.
In my house, Llampec and Quisso sleep in a room on the ground floor, but in this room we have all the things for swimming, like floats, deckchairs… Now, the room it’s no more the swimming pool room, now is the crazy room, because the dogs play with all the things!
This year, we had problems with Llampec because one day, when I was walking LLampec, I saw him walking wrongly, he was limping. My mother decided to wait 24 hours before taking him to the vet’s, because often he has a little pain in his legs because of his age, and she had reason. The after day Llampec walked right, and we didn’t have any more problems.
Llampec is very jealous, when I stroke Quisso, he is very jealousy and goes quickly to my hand and puts my hand in his head. He doesn’t love to go out, and watch other dogs in his house, because he doesn’t understand he doesn’t play with they, and he cries! Llampec loves to play, he plays all the time, and definitely if a burgler came to my house, he would play with him.
Quisso loves the hot water, when I shower him in the summer, I must use hot water, even though the temperature is 40C. He is afraid of my swimming pool, because one day he felts in the swimming pool. And the water is cold. Quisso doesn’t love to run, he is very lazy and he loves to eat and sleep in the sun, his life is a happy life!
Llampec is a dog, but sometimes he is like a cat because he catches mice! He love looking for mice, lizards, birds and catching them.
One day, Quisso, put his face in a cat flap in the door to look and he came out with regret because in this house fighting cats lived, and the cats fought his face. My little dog cried because he only wanted to play with them! The cats were cruel with him.
In conclusion, my pets have a happy life with me. I speak with them, I explain my life and they appear to understands me. When I’m sad, they make me happy, I love my dogs!
I have two dogs, they are called Llampec and Quisso. Llampec is nine years, on the 20th November he will be 10 years and Quisso is 9 years, on the 15th of May he will be 10 years.
The Llampec’s breed is Golden retriever, he is white and his eyes are brown. The Quisso’s breed is mongrel, Quisso has 3 colours in his skin: brown, black and white, and his eyes are brown too.
I don’t know where Llampec was born, because my aunt gave my family this dog, he was from a dog shelter in Figueras.
Llampec was a Christmas present for my brother. On the King’s day my mother gave a present to my brother, and this present was a cuddly toy dog and my brother cried because he wanted a real dog. After, when we went to my aunt’s restaurant she gave my brother the real dog, Llampec.
When he arrived at my house he was only 3 months, and he was very afraid. At the nights he slept with my brother in his bedroom and he cried all the time. After 2 weeks he was happy at home, and he had confidence.
Quisso was born in la Bisbal, my grandmother’s friend had a dog, an the dog had 4 sons and 4 daughters, and she gave all the puppies away. I went at her house and I chose Quisso. When he arrived at home Llampec was very happy with him because he could play now.
The name Llampec was chosen by my brother because Llampec, when he was little, he was never quiet, and he ran all the time into the garden and my brother said “he’s as fast as lightening”. And this is the reason.
The name Quisso was chosen by me, and Quisso is a God’s name, and I like it.
In my house, Llampec and Quisso sleep in a room on the ground floor, but in this room we have all the things for swimming, like floats, deckchairs… Now, the room it’s no more the swimming pool room, now is the crazy room, because the dogs play with all the things!
This year, we had problems with Llampec because one day, when I was walking LLampec, I saw him walking wrongly, he was limping. My mother decided to wait 24 hours before taking him to the vet’s, because often he has a little pain in his legs because of his age, and she had reason. The after day Llampec walked right, and we didn’t have any more problems.
Llampec is very jealous, when I stroke Quisso, he is very jealousy and goes quickly to my hand and puts my hand in his head. He doesn’t love to go out, and watch other dogs in his house, because he doesn’t understand he doesn’t play with they, and he cries! Llampec loves to play, he plays all the time, and definitely if a burgler came to my house, he would play with him.
Quisso loves the hot water, when I shower him in the summer, I must use hot water, even though the temperature is 40C. He is afraid of my swimming pool, because one day he felts in the swimming pool. And the water is cold. Quisso doesn’t love to run, he is very lazy and he loves to eat and sleep in the sun, his life is a happy life!
Llampec is a dog, but sometimes he is like a cat because he catches mice! He love looking for mice, lizards, birds and catching them.
One day, Quisso, put his face in a cat flap in the door to look and he came out with regret because in this house fighting cats lived, and the cats fought his face. My little dog cried because he only wanted to play with them! The cats were cruel with him.
In conclusion, my pets have a happy life with me. I speak with them, I explain my life and they appear to understands me. When I’m sad, they make me happy, I love my dogs!
Thank-you for your attention!
Do you have any questions?
"Rumores y mentiras" the film

Olive is a young girl that was a normal, but boring, life in the institute to hide her boredom and to make people gossip about her, like her popular best friend Rhiannon.
She invented she had a crazy weekend. The story arrives to one of the most conservative students, the one who started the rumours about promiscuity of Olive. The social networks do the rest.
Olive is amused with this notoriety, but when the lie gets bigger and affects other people; in the end she loses control.
dimarts, 16 de novembre del 2010
Reporter- Daily Mail

A ten-day-old baby girl died after being placed in a washing machine as it went through an entire spin cycle.
The newborn's mother Lyndsey Fiddler
put her daughter into the washing machine along with a pile of laundry.
The tiny baby was inside the top loading washing machine for up to 40 minutes before being discovered.
Maggie-May Fiddler was inside the top loading washing machine for up to 40 minutes before being discovered
Police have charged Lyndsey Fiddler, pictured, with second degree manslaughter after initially arresting her on drug charges
A relative who called in to see Fiddler found her passed out and the baby, called Maggie May, missing.She also heard a strange sound from the washing machine and when she opened the door found the crumpled body of Maggie mixed in with the clothes.
In a frantic call to emergency dispatchers 26-year-old Fiddler is heard saying :'My baby is dead.'
She can then be heard arguing with her aunt Rhonda Coshatt who is heard on the call saying: 'No I did not kill your baby, you did.'
The tiny baby was inside the top loading washing machine for up to 40 minutes before being discovered.
Maggie-May Fiddler was inside the top loading washing machine for up to 40 minutes before being discovered
Police have charged Lyndsey Fiddler, pictured, with second degree manslaughter after initially arresting her on drug charges
A relative who called in to see Fiddler found her passed out and the baby, called Maggie May, missing.She also heard a strange sound from the washing machine and when she opened the door found the crumpled body of Maggie mixed in with the clothes.
In a frantic call to emergency dispatchers 26-year-old Fiddler is heard saying :'My baby is dead.'
She can then be heard arguing with her aunt Rhonda Coshatt who is heard on the call saying: 'No I did not kill your baby, you did.'

A veteran police chief, who has witnessed multiple murders and gangland shootings, said it was
the most tragic crime scene he has ever investigated.
This report talks about a mother called Lyndsey Fiddler, and her ten-day-old-baby called Maggie-May Fiddler. The mother put her daughter in the washing machine when she was under the effects of drugs. The baby was in the washing machine for 40 minutes, with a pile of laundry. The Lyndsey’s aunt came to the house, and found the mother on the floor unconscious and she didn’t found the baby.
After, she heard a strange sound from the washing machine and the baby was here. When Lyndsey called the police she said “my baby is dead”, and Rhonda said “No, you kill your baby”. The people who has saw the baby, said that is the most tragic crime scene.
My opinion:
This success it’s very sad, I’m shocked when I read this. When the mother was no longer under the influence of the drugs she was repented of her act, because for a drugs (a stupid thing for me) she killed her baby unintentionally. Now, she had a judice and she is at the prison.
If I was mayor of Castelló d'Empúries

Castelló d’Empúries is a little town
in l’Alt Empordà with 10.000 inhabitants approximately. The town is 12km from Figueres, the capital of l’Alt Empordà. Castelló, at the moment has many problems, we don’t have money. The lack of money is an important problem, because the council doesn’t organize festivals or activities for the young people. W go out on Sunday afternoon, and all the things are closed, we can’t do anything in the town.
In the Council, between themselves there are problems, they discuss all the time for who has power, many people want to b
e the mayor; but now, it’s my time to become mayor of Castelló.
If I was the mayor, firstly I must to make peace with all the politicians, because it’s very difficult to work with angry people. After that, I would unite all the political parties to talk about the lack money and find solutions for these problems. Later I would organised a meeting with the inhabitants to explain the situation, and the solutions.
If I was the mayor, firstly I must to make peace with all the politicians, because it’s very difficult to work with angry people. After that, I would unite all the political parties to talk about the lack money and find solutions for these problems. Later I would organised a meeting with the inhabitants to explain the situation, and the solutions.

My first creation f
or the town, If I was mayor would be was to create a place, where we can meet, watch a film with friends, talk about everything, play with other teenagers…
In conclusion, I would to improve the life in this town.

The doctor programmed his birth for 25 of August, one day after me, but he was very happy in the tummy of his mother!
Ignasi has a big brother, called Arnau, but he isn’t my cousin because his parents are divorced and, his father was with my Aunt Sara and have Ignasi. During the
week Ignasi lives in Barcelona, and at the weekend he lives in Roses. I spend the weekend with him because my mother is his good mother.
When I’m with Ignasi, I became a baby too, because we speak like “bah, bu, ooooh” and things lik
e this.
He is very lovely with me, and he always kisses me and hugs me.
In conclusion, I love my little boy
Some photos about Ignasi and I:

In his baptism

When he was 1 day
One Sunday at my house

Today I will talk about my dream to do Erasmus. In two years, I will start University in Barcelona to study law (I have explained this in the other my-self), and in the second or third year (I have not decided yet) I want to go to another country to study there.
The Erasmus can be from 1 month, 3 moths, 6 months… until one year. In the Erasmus you can go to any country in the EU. I hope to go to Italy or London, because I love these countries and Italian, I think it’s very interesting and romantic. I would love to learn this language. And in London, I could improve my English.
I hope my time will be 6 months, because with 3 months you can’t learn a lot of a new language and the country, and with 1 year it’s too long, I would miss my family and my friends too much. I hope I will go to Erasmus with Andrea.
Andrea hope to go to London, Italy or Paris, but I will convince her to come with me!
In the Erasmus, you can stay at the house of a family or in a flat. If I will go with Andrea I would prefere a flat for both of us, but If I go alone I prefer to stay with a family because I’m a little bit lazy and I don’t want to make the dinner, do the cleaning… hahaha
I hope I can do this travel because it could be an amazing experience in my life, and even better if it’s with my best friend Andrea!
The ugly princess
Once upon a time there was a princess called Yola and she was very very ugly. She was confined in a castle tower. She cried day and night because her love didn’t love her. He was a young prince called Yago that rode every day around the castle. She felt alone and sad because she was only visited by her witch, Diane. She was very old and unhappy and she had a very big wart that Yola hated.
One day Diane saw her sigh and she knew that Yola was in love, but she didn’t know who was her love. Yola told her the story of her love and she begged her a potion to be beautiful. Diane wasn’t agree but she finally accept.
Yola drunk the potion and fell asleep for five days. When she woke up she looked at her mirror and saw that she was beautiful.
Then she was beautiful but she stills in the castle tower because the witch banned go out. However she called the prince from the window of her prison.
Yago saw her beauty and he said:
-Oh my little princess. Why are you confined in this tower? Tell me your name and I will make you free.
-Oh my pretty prince. My name is Yola Berrocal, come and make me free, please.
When the witch saw Yola run away with her love, Yago, she became depressed and died the next day.
Yola was nearly to kiss Yago’s mouth when Diane’s enchantment was broken. She returned to her previous look. She was ugly again Yago was surprised but he also kissed her.
-I’m upset for tell you lies- lamented the princess.
-I don’t care about you look. I love your personality, not your face- said Yago taking her in his arms.
And they lived happily ever after.
One day Diane saw her sigh and she knew that Yola was in love, but she didn’t know who was her love. Yola told her the story of her love and she begged her a potion to be beautiful. Diane wasn’t agree but she finally accept.
Yola drunk the potion and fell asleep for five days. When she woke up she looked at her mirror and saw that she was beautiful.
Then she was beautiful but she stills in the castle tower because the witch banned go out. However she called the prince from the window of her prison.
Yago saw her beauty and he said:
-Oh my little princess. Why are you confined in this tower? Tell me your name and I will make you free.
-Oh my pretty prince. My name is Yola Berrocal, come and make me free, please.
When the witch saw Yola run away with her love, Yago, she became depressed and died the next day.
Yola was nearly to kiss Yago’s mouth when Diane’s enchantment was broken. She returned to her previous look. She was ugly again Yago was surprised but he also kissed her.
-I’m upset for tell you lies- lamented the princess.
-I don’t care about you look. I love your personality, not your face- said Yago taking her in his arms.
And they lived happily ever after.
Andrea López Nieto and Cristina Malirach Reitg.
dilluns, 8 de novembre del 2010
Report- The Expess

EMMA WATSON is refusing to get upset over a series of pictures which purportedly show her posing naked - branding the latest fake nude snaps "tiresome".
Images which show the Harry Potter star's head digitally superimposed onto a naked girl's body have reportedly been circulated around the campus of Rhode Island's prestigious Brown University, where she is currently studying for a degree in English Literature.
Watson is said to be seeking out the original fake snap so she can stop it reaching any further, and a representative for the star reveals the actress is growing tired of dealing with so many digitally-doctored pictures.
Her spokesperson tells the Mail on Sunday, "There have been a number of nude fakes over the past two months. Emma has seen them and finds them tiresome. People should know better."
Watson has faced fake nude snaps several times - in May (10) her reps demanded the removal of rude photos from the internet, while a man as spared jail in August (10) after he created digitally-altered pictures of the actress and posted them on the internet.
The express

My opinion:
This report talks about the fake nude photos of Emma Watson, She called them “tiresome”, this means: she was bored of them. Emma denounced the photos and wants to find the original to eliminate it and stop this fake.
In August, a man was avoided jail. The persons who did this, created a digitally-altered pictures.
I think this act of illegally altering photos is a bad thing for famous people, because they invent an idea of their life that is wrong. If this happened to a normal person, this person would have two options: take it like a joke and laugh, or get angry and denounce the creator, because it’s illegal. I want to study law and this case would be very interesting to defend in fallowing years.
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Report- The Expess

MILEY CYRUS has been criticised by the head of an international alcohol awareness group after she was allegedly spotted boozing in Spain.
The 17-year-old singer/actress was reportedly photographed drinking beer while partying in Madrid - the legal age to drink in the country is 18, but teenagers as young as 16 are allowed to consume "certain" alcoholic beverages without issue.
Hannah Montana star Cyrus didn't break any laws, according to TMZ.com, but she has been slammed by the boss of the International Institute for Alcohol Awareness.
James E. Copple tells the website Cyrus' actions will encourage other youngsters to engage in "risky behaviour associated with underage alcohol consumption," adding, "The young people that see her as a role model could mimic the same behaviour and as a consequence will go out and become intoxicated, putting their safety at risk."
The express
My opinion:
This report talks about the singer/actress Miley Cyrus, the old Hanna Montana, it states she drinking the last time she was in Spain, and she was 17 years old. The report says that in Spain it’s legal to drink certain alcohol from 16 years old. She was criticised by the head of Alcohol Awareness, because many young people take her as a role model, and here she is not a good influence.
I think the report is false, because the rules says you can’t drink alcohol until 18 years old, and the only said this because they don’t want Miley Cyrus to look bad. If the report was true, then she looked like a normal Spanish girl, but it’s not true! They published this so the young people don’t take her like a model and drink alcohol, when they are adolescents too.
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dissabte, 6 de novembre del 2010

Today I will write about my favourite sport, this
sport is rowing. They are 2 options for rowing: fixed bench or mobile bench.
I’m in Club Xon’s rem Empuriabrava, and in this club rows with fixed bench.
In the Xon’s team we have the categories of cadets (less than 15 years old, for this year to enter they must have born in the year 1995); juniors (my team and me are in this cat
egory) and finally we have senior masculine and feminin too.
This year, we went to The Catalan championship and we won, and we were classified for the Spanish championship in May in Valencia. We went to Alacant on the 30th of Ma
y (this day was a Friday and we had to miss class).

e kitchen it was a big problem. Saturday morning we went to Vale
ncia’s port to watch the senior’s competitions and we had lunch there. In the afternoon we played at the swimming pool, and we had a very good time with my “Xone’s”! At night we had to rest reposed, because Sunday was the big day, and we went sleep early.
Sunday morning we went to Valencia’s port and competed with 20 others rowing team
s. The rowing competition was very hard, but we were classified in 4th position! We were very happy at this moment. This, was the best rowing weekend for me!
We have training 3 days for week, two hours each day, it’s very hard. Sunny days we go to sea with the boat, but the days it rains we stay at the club and practise ergometre, physical sport!
I started rowing since the May of last year, now I have been rowing for one and a half years, and I notice a change in my body.

I hope I can continue rowing for some years, because I love this sport, and obviously my team, the XONE’S (Andrea, Maria, Marta, Mireia, Lydia, Gemma and Núria. They are my rowing ladies.
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