Censored: Raunchy videos by artists like Rihanna and Christina Aguilera set to be banned.
Raunchy music videos by the likes of Rihanna and Christina Aguilera will be banned under plans to be unveiled next week. Adverts that use sex to sell will also be banned from sites near schools.
Pop videos in which pop stars flaunt their sexuality are also to be given cinema-style age certificates.
Raunchy: Christina Aguilera shocked audiences with her sexually-charged routines when she appeared on X-Factor.
Ministers are expected to adopt the radical proposals to put a stop to the creeping sexualisation of children.
The plans mean that television channels that show highly sexualised images of singers like Rihanna, Lady Gaga and Christina Aguilera will have to carry a 15 or 18 certificate if they involve nudity or sexual role play.
The rules will not apply to live performances on TV – meaning the increasingly racy dance routines on programmes such as The X-Factor will escape censure.
At the moment advertising rules mean alcohol and fast food adverts are banned from billboards near schools. A source involved in drawing up the plans said that would be extended to cover adverts featuring sexual imagery – a move that could ban raunchy images like those in some ice cream adverts.
‘It’s the end of Haagen Daaz outside the school gates,’ said one source consulted as part of the review.